Sistema de Vigilancia Costera (VTS) para el campo de tiro de costas del C.E. de Torregorda

Fecha de ejecución: 2003-2004


Functional Specification and System Architecture Design
Bid Preparation and Contracting
Project Management and dialogue with the Client (DGAM) until final Acceptance


Design and Implementation of a Surveillance System for the coastal zone of impacts of the CET to prevent the intrusion of unauthorized vessels
The system consists of two observatories, located in the CET (San Fernando) and Vejer de la Frontera and a Control Center (CET)
The system has the ability to detect intrusions at distances up to 40 km and record its identification, location and course.
Each observatory is equipped with a VTS Coastal Surveillance Radar (TERMA) and a long-distance (thermal) day/night camera
The observatories are fitted with their respective alarms and security systems which are both tele-operated from the Control Center
The information of each observatory is transmitted through 2 radio links (Observatory Management/Situational Information) to the Control Center where it is merged into a unique Operational View.