
Naval Countermeasure Systems (SYLENA)

The SYLENA System constitutes a passive multispectral concealment countermeasure system for naval platforms of different sizes. It has the ability to project various types of grenades to ensure Visual, thermal (IR), Electromagnetic signature (EM) concealment, as well as against underwater threats (ASW anti-torpedo decoy).

Depending on the required self-protection capabilities, the SYLENA System is available in three different versions:

  • SYLENA LW. Anti-missile capability (IR/EM) for small OPV-type ships
  • SYLENA MK1. Dual anti-missile (IR/EM) capability for Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers
  • SYLENA MK2. Dual anti-missile (IR/EM) and Anti-torpedo (ASW) capability for Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers