Tactical CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle BMR VRAC

Release date: 2000-2004


User Requirements Analysis and Functional Design of the CBRN Meteorological System, Inertial Navigation System and C2 System (CBRN Data Processing and Management)

Support for System Validation and User Training tests


R&D Project for the development of a prototype of CBRN Reconnaissance Vehicle based on a platform BMR 6x6, Tests, Validation and final Acceptance by the Spanish MoD.

Integration of CBRN Information Management SW applications (ADS and NBC Analysis) into Spanish Army C2 system (SIMACET)

Manufacturing of 3 units of series for deployment into the Spanish Army CBRN special units.

The BMR-VRAC reconnaissance vehicle has the following capabilities:

  • Base vehicle type BMR-VRAC 6x6 adapted for 4 crew (Mission Chief, Operator1, Operator2 and Driver)

  • Radiological Detection (alpha, beta, gamma and neutrons)

  • Detection and Identification of Chemical Agents (IMS, CG/MS)

  • Detection and Identification of Biological Agents (Immunoassay and PCR)