Beware here about the latest news related to DEFSEC Consulting within the Defence & Security sector.
The agreement is aimed to regulate the collaboration between NAVANTIA and ITCL within the regulated framework 'Innovation Space' formed by a mixed work team between both parties (to be determined on a project-by-project basis), focused on identifying project ideas on use cases identified by NAVANTIA and where ITCL Technology Centre can provide scientific-technical knowledge with special emphasis on the areas of AI, Digital Twin, Artificial Vision, Simulation and Neuromorphic and Quantum Computing in microsystems.
The main actions to be developed under this framework agreement are:
* Stimulate technological research and the transfer of knowledge related to shipbuilding and its associated systems.
* Promote curricular and extracurricular practices between ITCL and NAVANTIA for the development of research projects.
* The delivery of lectures and the organization of seminars and courses in areas of joint interest.
* The publication and obtaining of patents for application in shipbuilding and its associated systems.
Specific collaborations that are implemented under this framework agreement will be formalised by signing specific agreements.
The project involves the supply by LACROIX of 4.140 state-of-the-art IR Countermeasure Flares for the Combat Helicopter TIGRE throughout 2025. These countermeasures will enable the aircraft to deal with current threats, equipped with designators capable of discriminating conventional flares.
DEFSEC and LACROIX Defense, its representative, will collaborate with the 1st Edition of the 'Master of Training in Naval Defense Engineering for surface ships' organized by the University of Cádiz (UCA), NAVANTIA and the Spanish Navy. The Master in its 1st Edition will last from September 2024 to May 2025 with an official content of 60 ECTS.
The participation of both organizations will fundamentally focus on the area of knowledge of Combat Systems, where they will be taught about the technological principles operating in the Naval Countermeasure Systems, such as the LACROIX SYLENA suite integrated by Navantia into AVANTE 2200 class ships.
The project includes the supply within 2024 of 11 MAWS 5060H Meteorological Sensors to Rheinmetall Expal Munitions (REM) with the aim of their integration on board the Dual EIMOS wheeled mortar destined for the Spanish Marine Corps.
The MAWS stations from the Swiss manufacturer IRDAM currently constitute the highest performance and most widely used military weather sensor on the market.
The project includes the supply within 2024 of 317 GALIX Countermeasure Systems, which will be integrated by EM&E in its RWS Guardian 30, with the aim of equipping the tracked APC vehicle of the United Arab Emirates Army (UAE). .
GALIX countermeasures system and its 80mm multipurpose ammunition currently constitute the most evolved Soft-kill technological solution to increase the survivability of military vehicles against a wide range of advanced or conventional threats. This is achieved thanks to an automatic response capacity depending on the threat, as well as an effective integration with the vehicle's mission system and the rest of the sensors and defensive systems.
Last September, DEFSEC organized a test campaign for the Non-lethal Deterrence solutions of its partners SITEP and VOCCOM. In all Demos, the highest level of satisfaction was achieved by the different users based on their specific requirements.
The solutions evaluated were the following:
* MAMS V200 Laser-Acoustic Deterrence System (SITEP manufacturer) designed to prevent the approach of hostile forces at distances around of 1.000 m. regarding the area to be protected (Ships, Military Base or Critical Infrastructure).
* M415 and LSA long-distance acoustic communication systems (manufacturer VOCCOM) for early warning, deterrence or save & rescue.
The aforementioned systems were evaluated over the following Demos with clients:
* Demo on 09/25 in Palma de Mallorca (Army Base Jaime II). Clients: ET, EA (EADA), GC and CNP.
* Demo on 09/28 in Ferrol (Navy Base and Marine Corps Facilities - FUPRO). Clients: Marine Corps (Navy)
The project includes the supply, in the 2023-2025 period, of the MAWS 6056 solid-state weather stations that will be integrated into all the versions of the VCR 8x8 Dragón vehicle.
The MAWS stations of the Swiss manufacturer IRDAM are currently the highest performance and most widely used military meteorological sensors on the market.
ITCL manages with the support of DEFSEC to participate in the BRAIN EN project for the development of an application with Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the analysis and prediction of generation and demand in energy Communities.
The proposed project will carry out experimental research on innovative technologies for an efficient and sustainable energy community (BrainEn) made up of a group of homes and industries with a common energy interest. The innovative elements developed will affect various points in the value chain, such as renewable electricity generation, hydrogen energy storage nodes or the electricity distribution network.
The BRAIN EN project has been funded with € 5M of national R&D funds by the CDTI within the framework of 'MISIONES' type projects and will have an execution period of 3 years (2022-2024)
For the execution of the project led by the CPS group, a consortium has been formed with 8 companies from the energy sector and a series of Research Centers, among which is the ITCL.
DEFSEC promotes ITCL's contract awarding with NAVANTIA for elaboration of a Technical Study about implementation of AI into NAVANTIS family of simulators.
The objective of the project is to provide NAVANTIA with a detailed technical assessment about the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology focused on the evaluation of trainees learning through NAVANTIS simulators.
The study will consider the Combat System Simulator (CMS) as the baseline for analysis. Firstly, the definition of objectives by the client and the analysis of current simulators will be carried out together with the possibilities of AI technology. Finally, the necessary algorithms, data architectures and interfaces with the different simulators will be defined to evaluate the users learning process.
DEFSEC Consulting promotes Etienne LACROIX's contract awarding with NAVANTIA for the supply of SYLENA Naval Countermeasure System for AVANTE 2200 Corvettes program for the Saudi Arabian Navy.
The project includes the supply within the period 2020-2022 of the SYLENA systems for each of the 5 corvettes composing the Saudi program, as well as the user's capability building & training.
SYLENA system is a Decoy Launching System (DLS) and will bring the latest anti-missile and anti-torpedo capabilities to the new corvettes.
The spanish company FALKEN, specialized in the development of non-lethal ammunition, as well as countermeasure systems for land platforms, has renewed the Collaboration Agreement with DEFSEC Consulting. FALKEN has been the Spanish subsidiary of Etienne LACROIX Group since 2018.
Through said agreement, DEFSEC had been providing FALKEN with Business Development Services for its growth in the national Defense market. By this renewal, DEFSEC will also provide Consulting Services for the Design and Development of the new ESCUDO 76mm Countermeasures System.
ESCUDO will constitute a modern Countermeasures System to increase the survivability of land platforms (armored or tactical) through a suite of different types of ammunition: Obscuration (visible/IR), Fragmentation and Law Enforcement (Anti-Riot)
The first prototype will be available from November 2020 for testing and evaluation on platforms such as VCR 8x8 DRAGON.
The companies DEFSEC Consulting, Grupo PI and Diatomea Technology have joined the Defence Industry Cluster (CID), recently created by the Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria and the Regional Development Society (Sodercan).
DEFSEC will participate by providing, among others, commercial and technological support in the areas of Cyber Defence, C4ISR, Simulation RV-A and CBRNE.
The main strategic lines to promote in the Cluster are, among others: Economic Defence Intelligence, Cyber Defence, Military Communications and Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS).
With these new additions, there are already more than twenty companies and four entities that make up the CID, along with four other collaborating entities. The Defence cluster groups almost all of the companies with physical presence in the province, whose activity is related, totally or partially to the Defence domain.
The group Etienne LACROIX and DEFSEC Consulting just signed last February 2017 a Commercial
Agency agreement through which DEFSEC will promote commercially in the Spanish market the
products of its represented in the fields of Defence and Security.
The French group which already has manufacturing facilities in Spain is deeply specialized in the
development and manufacture of Soft-kill (Chaff & Flare) Countermeasure Systems and
pyrotechnic products for law enforcement, among which are:
DEFSEC Consulting provides specialized consulting services to the international group ALTRAN GROUP to reinforce its current Defence business unit by addressing a complete redefinition of the commercial strategy and consequent restructuring of its offering. This process is associated with the addition of the new Security Business line to the existing unit given the great complementarity between both domains.
As a result of the Framework Collaboration Agreement established between both entities, DEFSEC Consulting will promote, focused on the reference Defence companies, the new ALTRAN offer at National and International level until reaching a solid degree of consolidation.
With this initiative ALTRAN fully enters into the phase of business diversification that will allow it in the medium-long term to comply with its expansionist plan in the Area of Aerospace and Defence.
In February 2016, SIADDE signed a Framework Agreement with DEFSEC Consulting to promote the commercial development of its business lines in the areas of Defense and Security.
The agreement extends to the areas of Radiocommunication and Datalinks solutions, EW Simulation, Security for border control and critical infrastructures, Integral Logistic Support as well as to the Installation and commissioning services on the field.
The established approach is extended at both National and International level and focused on large defence companies as well as the final customer.
Spanish firm EODITEC Special Services, S.L. signed a Framework Agreement of Collaboration with DEFSEC Consulting last December 2015 to promote at the international level the Business Development of the special services provided by EODITEC in the areas of:
- Disposal of Ammunition and Explosive Devices (EOD / EIDD)
- Demining and demilitarization of ammunition stockpiles
- Training and Awareness
- Consulting, Support for Corporate Deployment and Quality Control
- Integral Security in conflict areas and critical infrastructures.
Through this contract, DEFSEC will not only achieve the commercial development of EODITEC in the international scenario, but also provide this type of services in a customized way and at a highly competitive price to the rest of those DEFSEC partners which have to deploy means and resources in conflict areas. in accordance to their activities. All the above will allow for a significant increase in the synergies between all of them resulting from the complementarity of their respective activities.