DEFSEC promotes the signing of the Framework Agreement for R&D collaboration 'Space for Innovation' between ITCL and NAVANTIA


The agreement is aimed to regulate the collaboration between NAVANTIA and ITCL within the regulated framework 'Innovation Space' formed by a mixed work team between both parties (to be determined on a project-by-project basis), focused on identifying project ideas on use cases identified by NAVANTIA and where ITCL Technology Centre can provide scientific-technical knowledge with special emphasis on the areas of AI, Digital Twin, Artificial Vision, Simulation and Neuromorphic and Quantum Computing in microsystems.

The main actions to be developed under this framework agreement are:
* Stimulate technological research and the transfer of knowledge related to shipbuilding and its associated systems.
* Promote curricular and extracurricular practices between ITCL and NAVANTIA for the development of research projects.
* The delivery of lectures and the organization of seminars and courses in areas of joint interest.
* The publication and obtaining of patents for application in shipbuilding and its associated systems.

Specific collaborations that are implemented under this framework agreement will be formalised by signing specific agreements.


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